Staff meeting sitting at a table

Client Testimonials

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Client Testimonials

Aerial view of city and network cabling

“Under the management of CDM, now that we have a Nutanix hyperconverged infrastructure in place, everything’s under our control. We know when things are offline, and for how long. And we can control the layers of resiliency from end to end. That fabric works much better for us and delivers the outcomes we need as we move more clients and touch points across the network.”

- Regan Stathers, Executive General Manager, Technology and Property at Whiddon.

Cloud Management Solution

Whiddon Aged Care

Blue network cables

“CDM understood what we needed from them – they’ve worked with defence companies before. We had confidence that CDM would work with us to put together the solution we needed, and that was borne out in practice.”

- Rick Hunt, Cyber Security Manager, Australian Maritime Technologies

Network Solutions

Australian Maritime Technologies

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